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Year 2006
Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award
Published: December 18, 2006

18 Dec. 2006: CNI Group Executive Chairman cum CEO, Dato’ P.C. Koh, has been nominated as one of the distinguished entrepreneurs in Malaysia for the prestigious 2006 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Award.
Kembara Merdeka Jalur Gemilang 2006
Published: August 31, 2006

17-31 August 2006 : CNI Enterprise was awarded the certificate of Participation in the “Kembara Merdeka Jalur Gemilang 2006″, a cross country project to promote unity and the spirit of Merdeka among Malaysians.
Malaysian Business Ethics Excellence Award
Published: May 23, 2006

23 May 2006 : CNI Enterprise was awarded the Certificate of Recognition for working on the Development of Ethical Business Practices. The Awards event was organised by Business Ethics Institute of Malaysia (BEIM) and Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs.